วันอังคารที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Attention: Florida Eating Disorder Treatment Providers

Eating Disorder Hope received this request for viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy volunteer counseling services at this Florida Transition House. Can you help them out? Please contact Ginette, as noted below if you can help or have any recommendations for her.
Thanks! Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC (Director of Eating Disorder Hope)

Name: House of Rare Gems, Inc.

Address: 6039 Cypress Gardens Blvd. #243
Winter Haven, FL 33884

Telephone: (863)595-6884

Email: ginettejackson68@aol.com

Message: My name is: Ginette Jackson - Director of House of Rare Gems,Inc. (A Transition Home for Women)We give assistance to women who desire to make a permenant lifestyle change by providing housing,education, social services etc. A few of our women suffer with eating disorders (buliemia).I am in need of volunteer counseling services for these women, if you or someone you know can help, please give me a call @ (863)595-6884.

Thank you in advance,
GiNette Jackson - Director